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Mission Statement:

The New England Counseling Center's dual function is to 

  • Provide mental health care and to 

  • Serve as a pooling resource to provide special training to care providers

Especially to victims of spiritual, emotional, and physical trauma, including incest, rape, and events like traumatic brain injuries.


The NECC provides professional services through teaching, counseling, individual psychotherapy, educational workshops and training programs.

Restorative Therapy    Training Program


Phase 1

the "Anatomy of a Wound"

Phase 2

the "Cup of Pain"

Phase 3

implementation of "keys" that unlock the hidden contents of "the heart"


The function of the Restorative Therapy Training Program is to educate lay leaders and professionals who are in the Christian community in the effective facilitation of healing and deliverance.


Certification as a Restorative Therapist will be awarded to participants who have met all criteria and who have successfully completed the Program in its entirety.

Body, Soul, and Spirit

You are a spirit who lives within a body and has a soul. Your spirit has a conscience to help you know right from wrong; it is capable of fellowship with God and man; and it is intuitive, sensing spiritual things not perceivable through the five senses. Your spirit flows with the spirit you choose: God's or Satan's


The expression of these combined spirits influences your soul and manifests in your body. Your body is made up of flesh and bone and has five senses. Operating through your soul is your will, intellect and emotions. To be whole in Christ is to be whole in all three areas: body, soul, and spirit.

And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. (I Thessalonians 5:23)

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            Fostering Restoration

The goal is to bring about release of internalized pain in order that further psycho-spiritual development, wholeness, and holiness can occur.  Its modality is Bible-based counseling and prayer, applying a psycho-spiritual developmental model. Ministry addresses both the emotional and spiritual aspects of trauma and victimization by:

  • offering inner healing and deliverance sessions to individuals and groups

  • educating and training lay leaders and professionals who are in the Christian community in the effective facilitation of healing and deliverance


We treat "whosever will" receive what we have to offer, regardless of age, race, gender, religious affiliations, or socio-economic status. ​

Our costs are covered through the benevolence of those who are able to make donations as they are able.

Our ethics are rooted in Biblical truth.

Our approach is with respect to God's will and to be considerate of the person's expressed needs.

Those conducting ministry are expected to be grounded in fundamental Bible knowledge and to have been educated, trained and anointed to do the work of the ministry.

The success of all counseling and therapeutic work is dependent on prayer, the anointing of the Holy Spirit, the skill, knowledge and obedience to the Holy Spirit's leading on the part of the worker, and the cooperation of the person seeking God's intervention to allow the change process to occur.



CURRENT-DAY EVENTS (Happenings/Interpersonal relationships

AFFLICTIONS (Accidents/Ills

WORD OF KNOWLEDGE (Directly from the Lord or through others



Our guiding principle is: The Cross is the bridge to inner healing and deliverance. We believe the Holy Scriptures that proclaim God's desire to heal and deliver His people. He designed healing to come through the Finished Work of the Cross of Jesus Christ and His resurrection. Followers of Jesus function as instruments for the Holy Spirit's ministries that bring about transformation in those who are bound and broken in heart, mind, and spirit.

Restoration is the central issue and whole purpose for the Work of the Cross and thus...

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Our ethics are rooted in Biblical truth. Our approach is with respect of God's will and to be considerate of the person's expressed needs. Those conducting ministry are expected to be grounded in fundamental Bible knowledge and to have been educated, trained and anointed to do the work of the ministry.

The success of all counseling and therapeutic work is dependent on prayer, the anointing of the Holy Spirit, the skill, knowledge, and obedience to the Holy Spirit's leading on the part of the worker, and the cooperation of the person seeking God's intervention to allow the change process to occur.

As a result of this "flushing' or cleansing process, the Candidates for healing expresses amazement at the new insights gained and sense of relief and refreshing at deep levels. Understanding one's self in new light, there is a sense of new-found freedom. Frequently, both emotional and physical healings occur concurrently with Restorative Therapy. It is central and should be understood by all participating ministers that any positive results they may procure in their service, whether through prayer, anointing, and/or utilization of knowledge, gifts, and techniques, is directly due to the accomplished Work of the Cross.

Doctor Barbara Foley has been actively involved in public Christian service since 1970 when she co-founded the Trumpeteers Christian Ministries, Inc. with her husband. She earned her Ph.D from Pacific Western University, Los Angeles, CA graduating in 1990, specializing in Education and Counseling Psychology. Previous to that her Master of Arts degree in Counseling was also earned at Pacific Western University. Her Bachelor's degree is in Psychology from Thomas A. Edison State College, where she was recipient of the Arnold Fletcher Award for "exceptional achievement in independent learning." Her psycho-therapeutic training was with the late Rev. Dr. Cecil Osborne. In 1982 Doctor Barbara founded the New England Counseling Center under the auspices of Trumpeteers Christian Ministries and began a private counseling and psycho-therapeutic practice in Southern New England. In 1994 Dr. Barbara was ordained as a Minister of the Gospel and served in fellowship with Pinecrest Bible Training Center, Salisbury Center, NY. Her service continues as part of IAM (International Accelerated Missions) Berne, NY. It soon became apparent to her that many people suffer persistent negative effects for years following trauma, especially involving incest, rape, and abandonment, and that effective therapies are generally not available for whatever the multiplicity of reasons. Restorative Therapy has been found effective. Dr. Barbara facilitates Restorative Therapy and trains those the Lord calls into inner-healing and deliverance  ministries.

And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

(I Thessalonians 5:23)

And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, establish, and strengthen you. (I Peter 5:10)

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